
1. verb /triːt/
a) To negotiate, discuss terms, bargain (for or with).

I wouldnt promote businesses I considered immoral – ambulance-chasing lawyers or online roulette for example – but Ive got nothing against computer or software manufacture: theyre important and any reputable company in that industry is welcome to treat for my services.

b) To discourse; to handle a subject in writing or speaking; to conduct a discussion.

Ciceros writing treats mainly of old age and personal duty.

See Also: treatise, treaty
2. noun /triːt/
a) An entertainment, outing, or other indulgence provided by someone for the enjoyment of others.

I took the kids to the zoo for a treat.

b) An unexpected gift, event etc., which provides great pleasure.

It was such a treat to see her back in action on the London stage.

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