
1. noun /θɹʌst/
a) An attack made by moving the sword parallel to its length and landing with the point.

Pierre was a master swordsman, and could parry the thrusts of lesser men with barely a thought.

b) A push, stab, or lunge forward (the act thereof.)

The cutpurse tried to knock her satchel from her hands, but she avoided his thrust and yelled, "Thief!"

Syn: break, dart, grab, lift, push, focus, gist, point
2. verb /θɹʌst/
a) To make advance with force.

We thrust at the enemy with our forces.

b) To force something upon someone.

I asked her not to thrust the responsibility on me.

Syn: attack, charge, rush, compel, force, dart, reach, stab

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