
1. verb /laɪk/
a) To please.

And yf hit lyke yow I wille speke with hem by cause I am a knyghte of kynge Arthurs [...].

b) To enjoy, be pleased by; favor; be in favor of.

His countenance likes me not.

Syn: fancy
Ant: dislike, hate
2. noun /laɪk/
a) Something that a person likes (prefers).

Tell me your likes and dislikes.

b) (sometimes as the likes of) Someone similar to a given person, or something similar to a given object; a comparative; a type; a sort.

We shall never see his like again. — on

Syn: favorite, favourite, preference, ilk
Ant: dislike, pet peeve, antithesis, opposite
3. adjective /laɪk/

My partner and I have like minds.

4. adverb /laɪk/
a) for example, such as: to introduce an example or list of examples

There are lots of birds like ducks and gulls in this park.

b) immediately, at once
Syn: for example, such as
5. conjunction /laɪk/
As if; as though.

It looks like youve finished the project.

6. preposition /laɪk/
Somewhat similar to, reminiscent of.

These hamburgers taste like leather.

Syn: all, go
Ant: unlike
7. interjection /laɪk/
Used to place emphasis upon a statement.

divint ye knaa, like?

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