
1. noun /bɑː,bɑɹ/
a) A solid, more or less rigid object with a uniform cross-section smaller than its length.

Ancient Sparta used iron bars instead of handy coins in more valuable alloy, to physically discourage the use of money

b) A solid metal object with uniform (round, square, hexagonal, octagonal or rectangular) cross-section; in the US its smallest dimension is .25 inch or greater (US), a piece of thinner material being called a strip.

bar of chocolate

Syn: barroom, ginshop, pub, public house, tavern, ban, prohibition, measure
2. verb /bɑː,bɑɹ/
a) To obstruct the passage of (someone or something).

I couldnt get into the nightclub because I had been barred

b) To prohibit.

bar the door

Syn: block, hinder, obstruct, ban, interdict, prohibit
3. preposition /bɑː,bɑɹ/
Except, with the exception of.

He invited everyone to his wedding bar his ex-wife.

Syn: apart from, barring, except, excluding, other, save
See Also: isobar

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