
1. noun
a) An article of clothing, usually worn by women and girls, that hangs from the waist and covers the lower part of the body.

"I like purple best," said Maida. "And old Schlegel has promised to make it for $8. Its going to be lovely. Im going to have a plaited skirt and a blouse coat trimmed with a band of galloon under a white cloth collar with two rows of—"

b) The part of a dress or robe that hangs below the waist.

The petticoats and skirts ordinarily worn are decidedly the heaviest part of the dress ; hence it is necessary that some reform should be effected in these.

2. verb
a) To be on or form the border of.

An enormous man and woman (it was early-closing day) were stretched motionless, with their heads on pocket-handkerchiefs, side by side, within a few feet of the sea, while two or three gulls gracefully skirted the incoming waves, and settled near their boots.

b) To move around or along the border of; to avoid the center of.
See Also: skirting-board, outskirt

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