
noun /ˈpɹəʊtəˌkɒl,ˈpɹoʊdəˌkɑl,ˈpɹoʊdəˌkɔl/
a) The minutes, or official record, of a negotiation or transaction; especially a document drawn up officially which forms the legal basis for subsequent agreements based on it.

Another account says that, on the morning of the 31st of May, the king delivered to the prince-royal the crown, the sceptre, and the key of his treasure and gave him his blessing. The privy-counsillor Vockerodt drew up at his desire a protocol of the transaction.

b) An official record of a diplomatic meeting or negotiation; later specifically, a draft document setting out agreements to be signed into force by a subsequent formal treaty.

The terms of this protocol formed the basis for the Treaty of London signed by the British, French and Russian governments on 6 July 1827.

Syn: procedure, policy

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