
1. adjective /dɪˈrɛkt,ˌdaɪˈrɛkt,dɚˈɛkt/
Straight, constant, without interruption.
Ant: indirect
2. adverb /dɪˈrɛkt,ˌdaɪˈrɛkt,dɚˈɛkt/

Presumably Mary is to carry messages that she, Anne, is too delicate to convey direct.

3. verb /dɪˈrɛkt,ˌdaɪˈrɛkt,dɚˈɛkt/
a) To manage, control, steer.

They directed their fire towards the men on the wall.

b) To aim at.

He directed his question to the room in general.

See Also: direction, directly, director, adroit, dirge, dirigible, dress

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