
1. adjective /ˈveə(ɹ).i.ə.bl̩,ˈveɹ.i.ə.bl̩,ˈvæɹ.i.ə.bl̩/
a) able to vary
b) likely to vary
Syn: alterable, flexible, changeable, mutable, fickle, fluctuating, inconstant, shifting, unstable, unsteady, varying, aberrant
Ant: constant, invariable, immutable, unalterable, unchangeable, unchanging
2. noun /ˈveə(ɹ).i.ə.bl̩,ˈveɹ.i.ə.bl̩,ˈvæɹ.i.ə.bl̩/
a) something that is variable

There are several variables to consider here.

b) something whose value may be dictated or discovered
Syn: changeable, parameter, variable quantity
Ant: constant, invariable

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