
1. noun
a) The buttocks.

Okay, everyone sit on your bum and try and touch your toes.

b) The anus.

Fred is becoming a bum - hes not even bothering to work more than once a month.

Syn: arse, ass, backside, behind, bottom, bum, butt, heinie, fanny, tush, tushie, butt cheeks, buttocks, cheek, glutes, gluteus maximus, anus, arsehole, asshole
2. verb
a) To sodomize; to engage in anal sex.

Can I bum a cigarette off you?

b) <!(with, after the object, off or, nonstandardly, off of) To ask someone to give one (something) for free; to beg for something.

I think Ill just bum around downtown for awhile until dinner.

Syn: hobo, homeless, tramp, vagrant, wanderer, vagabond, loafer, bumpkin, footler, idler, lout, yob, yobbo, layabout, binge, bender, cadge
3. adjective
a) Of poor quality or highly undesirable. <!needs some work <! This should be another meaning of Noun: a failed attempt? I union reps gave us a bum deal. The defensive line made a bum rush on the quarterback.

bum note

b) Unfair.

bum deal

Syn: duff

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