
1. adjective /ˌɔːtəˈmætɪk,ˌɔtəˈmætɪk/
a) Capable of operating without external control or intervention.

The automatic clothes washer was a great labor-saving device

b) Done out of habit or without conscious thought.

The reaction was automatic: flight!

Syn: perfunctory, thoughtless, instinctive
Ant: manual, voluntary
See Also: automagical, automat, automaton, automation, automatization, automatize, automobile, autopilot
2. noun /ˌɔːtəˈmætɪk,ˌɔtəˈmætɪk/
a) A car with automatic transmission.

I never learned to drive a stick. I can only drive an automatic.

b) A semi-automatic firearm.
Ant: stick, stickshift, manual transmission, standard transmission

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