
1. verb /əkˈsɛləˌreɪt/
a) To cause to move faster; to quicken the motion of; to add to the speed of.

to accelerate the growth of a plant, the increase of wealth, etc.

b) To quicken the natural or ordinary progression or process of.

to accelerate our departure.

Syn: advance, dispatch, expedite, forward, further, hasten, quicken, speed up
Ant: decelerate, retard
See Also: accelerando, accelerant, acceleration, accelerograph, accelerometer
2. adjective /əkˈsɛləˌreɪt/
Accelerated; quickened; hastened; hurried.

... a general knowledg of the definition of motion, and of the distinction of natural and violent, even and accelerate, and the like, sufficing.

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