
1. noun /kɒpiː/
a) The result of copying (confer original); an identical duplication.

Please bring me the copies of those reports.

b) An imitation, sometimes of inferior quality.

That handbag is a copy. You can tell because the buckle is different.

Syn: carbon copy, duplicate, facsimile, image, likeness, reduplication, replica, replication, reproduction, simulacrum, fake, forgery, phony, sham
Ant: original
2. verb /kɒpiː/
a) To produce an object identical to a given object.

Please copy these reports for me

b) To place a copy of an object in memory for later use.

First copy the files, and then paste them in another directory.

See Also: copious, photocopy, cc, cop, copydesk, copier, copywrite

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