
1. adjective /ˈvɜr.bəl,ˈvɜː.bəɫ,ˈvɜ˞.bəɫ/
a) Of, or relating to words.
b) Concerned with the words, rather than the substance of a text.
Ant: non-verbal, substantive, implied
2. noun /ˈvɜr.bəl,ˈvɜː.bəɫ,ˈvɜ˞.bəɫ/
A verb form which does not function as a predicate, or a word derived from a verb. In English, infinitives, participles and gerunds are verbals.
3. verb /ˈvɜr.bəl,ˈvɜː.bəɫ,ˈvɜ˞.bəɫ/
To fabricate a confession

"The problem of verballing is unlikely to disappear, whatever the legal status of the person detained."

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