
1. adjective /ˈmɒdərət,ˈmɑdərət,ˈmɒdəreɪt,ˈmɑdəreɪt/
a) Not excessive; acting in moderation
b) Mediocre
2. noun /ˈmɒdərət,ˈmɑdərət,ˈmɒdəreɪt,ˈmɑdəreɪt/
a) One who holds an intermediate position between the extremes relevant in a political context

While the moderates usually propose political compromise, its often only achieved when the extremists allow them so

b) Similar middle-grounder in any other context.

The moderates are the natural advocates of ecumenism against the fanatics of their churches

3. verb /ˈmɒdərət,ˈmɑdərət,ˈmɒdəreɪt,ˈmɑdəreɪt/
a) To reduce the excessiveness of (something)
b) To become less excessive
Syn: temperate, arbitrate, chair
See Also: modal, modality, mode, model, moderator, module

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