
1. noun /ˈpandə,ˈpændə,ˈpændɚ/
a) A person who furthers the illicit love-affairs of others; a pimp or procurer, especially when male. (Later panderer.)

It was not only the brilliant phalanx of virtuous dowagers, generals and academicians with whom he was most intimately associated that Swann so cynically compelled to serve him as panders.

b) An offer of illicit sex with a third party.
2. verb /ˈpandə,ˈpændə,ˈpændɚ/
a) To offer illicit sex with a third party; to pimp.

His latest speech simply seems to pander to the worst instincts of the electorate.

b) To tempt with, to appeal or cater to (improper motivations etc.); to assist in the gratification of.
See Also: demagogism

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