
1. noun /səːv,sɝv/
a) the act of putting the ball or shuttlecock in play in various games

Whose serve is it?

b) A portion of food, a serving
Syn: service, serving
Ant: receive
2. verb /səːv,sɝv/
a) To be a formal servant for (a god or deity); to worship in an official capacity.

And yet this is not the office of a Priest, but of Him whom the Priest should serve.

b) To be a servant for; to work for, to be employed by.

And, truly, Mrs Abigail, I must needs say, I served my master contentedly while he was living, but I will serve no man living (that is, no man that is not living) without double wages.

Syn: attend, wait on
See Also: conserve, deserve, preserve, reserve, subserve

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