
1. adjective /ˈɜː(ɹ).li,ˈɝli/
a) At a time in advance of the usual or expected event.

At eleven, we went for an early lunch.

b) Arriving a time before expected; sooner than on-time.

She began reading at an early age.

Syn: premature, first
Ant: late
2. adverb /ˈɜː(ɹ).li,ˈɝli/
At a time before expected; sooner than usual.

We finished the project an hour sooner than scheduled, so we left early.

Syn: prematurely
Ant: late, tardily
3. noun /ˈɜː(ɹ).li,ˈɝli/
A shift (scheduled work period) that takes place early in the day.

On my first day on the watch after leaving the shoplifting squad I paraded on earlies but had completely forgotten to take my ear ring off.

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