
1. noun /bɪtʃ/
a) A female dog or other canine. In particular one who has recently had puppies.

My bitch just had puppies: theyre so cute!

b) Term of contempt applied to a woman, conveying a judgement that she or her behavior are despicable, disagreeable, etc.

Ann gossiped about me and mocked my work; sometimes she can be a real bitch!

Syn: female, cow, harpy, bastard, doormat, gripe, grumble, kvetch, moan, whinge, toughie, stinker, pain in the ass
2. verb /bɪtʃ/
a) To make derogatory comments (about a person).

Look, I saw you bitching about me yesterday, I know how you feel: why cant you say it to my face?

b) To criticize (something) spitefully, often for the sake of complaining rather than in order to have the problem corrected.

All you ever do is bitch about the food I cook for you! <!same as above sense:

Syn: badmouth, slag off, snipe, gripe, grumble, kvetch, moan, piss and moan, sniff at, whine, whinge

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