
1. noun
a) A person who is cruel to others, especially those who are weaker or have less power.
b) A hired thug.
Syn: henchman, thug, pimp, ponce, bully beef
2. verb
a) To intimidate (someone) as a bully.
b) To act aggressively towards.
Syn: browbeat, hector, intimidate
3. adjective
Very good; excellent.
Syn: excellent, marvellous, marvelous, splendid, super, superb, top-notch
4. interjection
a) Well done!

Shes finally leaving her abusive husband — bully for her!

b) Used to say that you do not care about someone who has done something nice

Shes finally leaving her abusive husband — bully for her; I dont bleeding care!

Syn: bravo, well done

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