
1. adjective /beə(r)/
a) Minimal; that is or are just sufficient.

the bare necessities

b) Naked, uncovered.

Dont show your bare backside in public.

Syn: mere, minimal, exposed, naked, nude, uncovered, undressed, empty, unfurnished, unstocked, unsupplied, plain, unadorned, undecorated, despoiled, stripped
Ant: ample, plentiful, sufficient, covered, dressed, unexposed, full, furnished, stocked, supplied, well-stocked, adorn, decorate, ornate
2. adverb /beə(r)/
Very; significantly.

This pornos bare whack, bruv.

3. noun /beə(r)/
the naked state, nude body
4. verb /beə(r)/
To uncover; to reveal; as, to bare ones teeth, to bare ones soul.

And so I put thee on my shoulder and bare thee back, and here thou art in Davids room, and shalt find board and bed with me as long as thou hast mind to

Syn: expose, lay bare, reveal, show, uncover
Ant: cover, cover up, hide

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