
personal equation
variability attributable to individual differences
Hypernyms: ↑variability, ↑variableness, ↑variance

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1. : a constant or systematic deviation from an assumed correct observational result depending on personal qualities of the observer:
a. : absolute personal equation
b. : relative personal equation
2. : variation of judgment or method occasioned by individual bias or limitation or temperamental qualities of individuals

eliminating the personal equation in historical writing

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the tendency to personal bias that accounts for variation in interpretation or approach and for which allowance must be made.

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personal equation
1. A correction to be applied to the reading of an instrument on account of the observer's tendency to read too high, too low, etc
2. Any tendency to error or prejudice due to personal characteristics for which allowance must be made
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Main Entry:equal
personal equation see under ↑equal
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Main Entry:personal

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personal equation,
an individual tendency for which allowance should be made.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.