
pepper shrub
evergreen shrub or small tree whose foliage is conspicuously blotched with red and yellow and having small black fruits
Syn: ↑Pseudowintera colorata, ↑Wintera colorata
Hypernyms: ↑shrub, ↑bush
Member Holonyms: ↑Pseudowintera, ↑genus Pseudowintera, ↑Wintera, ↑genus Wintera

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see pepper tree 2

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pepper tree or pepper shrub,
an evergreen tree or shrub of the cashew family, native to tropical America, much grown for its ornamental pinnate leaves, clusters of white flowers, and bunches of small reddish fruit (drupes). One kind is widely grown in California. »

When as a child in South Africa the train would pass a wayside station, and I would see a native sitting quietly under a pepper tree, it symbolized permanency to me (Cape Times).

Useful english dictionary. 2012.