
aroused to impatience or anger

made an irritated gesture


feeling nettled from the constant teasing


peeved about being left out


felt really pissed at her snootiness


riled no end by his lies


roiled by the delay

annoyed, ↑irritated, ↑miffed, ↑nettled, ↑pissed, ↑pissed off, ↑riled, ↑roiled, ↑steamed, ↑stung
Similar to: ↑displeased

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peevedly /pee"vid lee, peevd"-/, adv.peevedness, n.
/peevd/, adj.
annoyed; irritated; vexed.
[1905-10, Amer.; PEEVE + -ED2]

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peeved adjective (informal)
• • •
Main Entry:peevish

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peeved UK [piːvd] US [pivd] adjective

He wore a peeved expression.

Thesaurus: feeling angry or annoyedsynonym

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peeved «peevd», adjective.
annoyed; irritated: »

They are peeved about the late trains.

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/ˈpiːvd/ adj [more \peeved; most \peeved]
informal : angry or annoyed

He's peeved at me because I borrowed his car without asking.

Her boss was peeved by/about the mistakes she made with the customer's order.

I'm feeling pretty peeved.

* * *

peeved [peeved] [piːvd] [piːvd] adjective \peeved (about sth) (informal)

He sounded peeved about not being told.

Example Bank:

Ed was rather peeved about how Martin had handled the situation.

Maisie seemed peeved by this question.

peeved at her failure to contact him

a rather peeved tone of voice

Useful english dictionary. 2012.