
Paul Bunyan
a legendary giant lumberjack of the north woods of the United States and Canada

Paul Bunyan had a blue ox named Babe


the lakes of Minnesota began when Paul Bunyan and Babe's footprints filled with water

Syn: ↑Bunyan
Instance Hypernyms:
fictional character, ↑fictitious character, ↑character, ↑lumberman, ↑lumberjack, ↑logger, ↑feller, ↑faller

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\\ˈpȯlˈbənyən\ noun
Usage: usually capitalized P&B
Etymology: after Paul Bunyan, legendary American lumberjack who was capable of amazing feats of lumbering
: a person often of great size who performs unusual often prodigious feats of strength or endurance

a milder Paul Bunyan of the coal mines, steel mills, and construction jobs — New York Herald Tribune Book Review

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a legendary giant lumberjack, an American folk hero.

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Paul Bunyan.
See under Bunyan. (Cf.Bunyan)

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Paul Bunyan [Paul Bunyan]
a character in American ↑legends. He is said to be a very large and strong ↑lumberjack (= a person whose job is cutting down trees). He has a blue ↑ox called Babe. Wild stories were told about him. In one of these the British navy built seven ships with the wood from his baby bed. Another said that Babe was so big that a new iron mine had to be opened each time he needed shoes.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.