
(Old Testament) an obsolete name for the Old Testament books of I Chronicles and II Chronicles which were regarded as supplementary to Kings
Topics: ↑Old Testament
Hypernyms: ↑sacred text, ↑sacred writing, ↑religious writing, ↑religious text
Part Meronyms: ↑I Chronicles, ↑1 Chronicles, ↑II Chronicles, ↑2 Chronicles

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/par'euh li pom"euh non', -luy-/, n., pl. Paralipomena /-neuh/. Douay Bible.
[1300-50; ME < LL paralipomenon, sing. of paralipomena PARALIPOMENA]

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paraleipomˈenon or paralipomˈenon noun (pl paraleipomˈena or paralipomˈena (esp in the Septuagint, etc) the Books of Chronicles)
A thing left out, added in supplement
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Main Entry:paraleipsis

Useful english dictionary. 2012.