
1. being joined in close association (Freq. 1)

affiliated clubs


all art schools whether independent or attached to universities

Syn: ↑affiliated, ↑connected
Similar to: ↑related, ↑related to
Derivationally related forms: ↑connectedness (for: ↑connected)
2. used of buildings joined by common sidewalls

a block of attached houses

Ant: ↑detached
Topics: ↑architecture
3. associated in an exclusive sexual relationship
Syn: ↑committed
Ant: ↑unattached
Similar to: ↑bespoken, ↑betrothed, ↑intended, ↑involved
See Also: ↑loving
4. fond and affectionate

she was very attached to her father

Similar to: ↑loving

Useful english dictionary. 2012.