
deciduous monoecious trees of Europe and Asia and America; sometimes placed in subfamily or family Carpinaceae
Syn: ↑genus Ostrya
Hypernyms: ↑hamamelid dicot genus
Member Holonyms: ↑Betulaceae, ↑family Betulaceae, ↑birch family
Member Meronyms:
hop hornbeam, ↑Old World hop hornbeam, ↑Ostrya carpinifolia, ↑Eastern hop hornbeam, ↑ironwood, ↑ironwood tree, ↑Ostrya virginiana

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\\ˈästrēə\ noun
Usage: capitalized
Etymology: New Latin, from Greek, hop hornbeam; probably akin to Greek ostrakon shell and to Greek drys tree — more at oyster, tree
: a small widely distributed genus of trees (family Betulaceae) having fruit resembling cones with membranous inflated bracts — see hop hornbeam

Useful english dictionary. 2012.