
adj., n., adv., & prep.
1 (often foll. by to) having a position on the other or further side, facing or back to back.
2 (often foll. by to, from) a of a contrary kind; diametrically different. b being the other of a contrasted pair.
3 (of angles) between opposite sides of the intersection of two lines.
4 Bot. (of leaves etc.) placed at the same height on the opposite sides of the stem, or placed straight in front of another organ.
—n. an opposite thing or person or term.
1 in an opposite position (the tree stands opposite).
2 (of a leading theatrical etc. part) in a complementary role to (another performer).
—prep. in a position opposite to (opposite the house is a tree).
Phrases and idioms:
opposite number a person holding an equivalent position in another group or organization. opposite prompt the side of a theatre stage usually to an actor's right. the opposite sex women in relation to men or vice versa.
oppositely adv. oppositeness n.
Etymology: ME f. OF f. L oppositus past part. of opponere: see OPPONENT

Useful english dictionary. 2012.