
olfactory organ
the organ of smell and entrance to the respiratory tract; the prominent part of the face of man or other mammals

he has a cold in the nose

Syn: ↑nose
Derivationally related forms: ↑nose (for: ↑nose)
Hypernyms: ↑chemoreceptor
snout, ↑neb, ↑rostrum, ↑beak, ↑honker, ↑hooter, ↑nozzle, ↑snoot, ↑schnozzle, ↑schnoz, ↑conk, ↑hawk nose, ↑proboscis, ↑pug nose, ↑Roman nose, ↑hooknose
Part Holonyms: ↑face, ↑human face, ↑upper respiratory tract
Part Meronyms:
turbinate bone, ↑turbinate, ↑turbinal, ↑ethmoidal artery, ↑arteria ethmoidalis, ↑nasal cavity, ↑internasal suture, ↑sutura internasalis, ↑bridge, ↑nostril, ↑anterior naris

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: an organ of chemical sense that receives stimuli interpreted as odors from volatile and soluble substances in low dilution, that lies in the walls of the upper part of the nasal cavity, and that forms a mucous membrane continuous with the rest of the lining of the nasal cavity and made up of tall columnar supporting cells containing golden brown pigment interspersed with olfactory cells the outer processes of which project between the supporting cells as small vesicles surmounted by delicate sensory filaments and the inner ends of which are continuous with fibers of the olfactory nerves

Useful english dictionary. 2012.