
old fashioned
a cocktail made of whiskey and bitters and sugar with fruit slices
Hypernyms: ↑cocktail
Substance Meronyms: ↑whiskey, ↑whisky

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(sometimes caps.) a cocktail made with whiskey, bitters, water, and sugar, and garnished with citrus-fruit slices and a cherry.

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old-fash|ioned «OHLD FASH uhnd», adjective.
1. of an old fashion; out of fashion: »

an old-fashioned dress. The writing was old-fashioned and rather uncertain, like that of an elderly lady (Charlotte Brontë).

SYNONYM(S): out-of-date, fusty.
2. keeping to old ways or ideas: »

an old-fashioned housekeeper.

3. (of a child) old or mature in his ways: »

“Oh! the old-fashioned little soul!” cried Mrs. Blimber (Dickens).

old´-fash´ioned|ly, adverb.
old fashioned,
a cocktail made of whiskey, sugar, and bitters with a slice of orange and a cherry, mixed with soda and served cold.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.