
US var. of ODOUR.

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odour [odour odours] (especially US odor) [ˈəʊdə(r)] [ˈoʊdər] noun countable, uncountable (formal)
a smell, especially one that is unpleasant


foul/musty/pungent, etc. odour

the stale odour of cigarette smoke


the odour of suspicion

see also body odour
Idiom: ↑in bad odour  
Word Origin:
Middle English: from Anglo-Norman French, from Latin odor ‘smell, scent’.  
odour (BrE) (AmE odor) noun C (especially written)

Use this spray to remove household odours.

smellreekwhiff|informal stink|especially written literary stench
a/an odour/smell/reek/whiff/stink/stench of sth
a foul/putrid/powerful odour/smell/stench
give off a/an odour/smell/whiff of sth/stench
a/an odour/smell/stink/stench comes from sth
Example Bank:

I smelled the distinct odour of something burning.

odours from the local brewery

An unpleasant odour came from the package.

He suffers badly from body odour.

There was an odour of decay in the house.

Use this spray to remove everyday household odours.

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another spelling of odour.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.