
North Pole
the northernmost point of the Earth's axis (Freq. 2)
Derivationally related forms: ↑north-polar
Instance Hypernyms: ↑pole

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Etymology: Middle English
a. : the zenith of the heavens as viewed from the north terrestrial pole
b. often capitalized N&P : the northernmost point of the earth : the northern extremity of the earth's axis — see zone illustration
2. of a magnet : the pole that points toward the north when the magnet is freely suspended

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1. Geog. the end of the earth's axis of rotation, marking the northernmost point on the earth.
2. Astron. the point at which the extended axis of the earth cuts the northern half of the celestial sphere, about 1° from the North Star; the north celestial pole.
3. (l.c.) the pole of a magnet that seeks the earth's north magnetic pole.
4. (l.c.) See under magnetic pole (def. 1).
[1350-1400; ME]

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north pole noun
1. The end of the earth's axis in the Arctic
2. Its projection on the celestial sphere (astronomy)
3. (usu) that pole of a magnet which when free points to the earth's north magnetic pole (logically the other end)
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Main Entry:north

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north pole,
the pole of a magnet that points north.
North Pole,
1. the northern end of the earth's axis; that point on the earth's surface from which every direction is south: »

The North Pole is surrounded by water and is at sea level (Gabriele Rabel).

2. = north magnetic pole. (Cf.north magnetic pole)
3. = north celestial pole. (Cf.north celestial pole)

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n. see pole II

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the North Pole
: the most northern point on the surface of the earth

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the ˌNorth ˈPole [North Pole] noun singular
the point on the surface of the earth that is furthest north

Useful english dictionary. 2012.