
at heart
in reality (Freq. 2)

she is very kind at heart

Syn: ↑at bottom, ↑deep down, ↑inside, ↑in spite of appearance

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DEEP DOWN, basically, fundamentally, essentially, in essence, intrinsically; really, actually, truly, in fact; informal when you get right down to it.

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at heart
1. In one's real character
2. Substantially
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Main Entry:heart

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at heart phrase
used for saying what someone’s basic character is

I’m really a country person at heart.

Thesaurus: words used to describe someone's personalityhyponym general words for a person's charactersynonym
Main entry: heart

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in one's real nature, in contrast to how one may appear

he's a good guy at heart

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at heart
1 : at the most basic level

I'm really a romantic at heart.

She's 81 years old, but she's still young at heart. [=she behaves and thinks like a much younger person]

2 : as a main concern

We have your best interests at heart. [=we want to do what is best for you]

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Main Entry:heart

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at ˈheart idiom
used to say what sb is really like even though they may seem to be sth different

He's still a socialist at heart.

Main entry:heartidiom

Useful english dictionary. 2012.