
mustard tree
1. evergreen South American shrub naturalized in United States; occasionally responsible for poisoning livestock
Syn: ↑tree tobacco, ↑Nicotiana glauca
Hypernyms: ↑tobacco, ↑tobacco plant
2. glabrous or pubescent evergreen shrub or tree of the genus Salvadora; twigs are fibrous and in some parts of the world are bound together in clusters and used as a toothbrush; shoots are used as camel fodder; plant ash provides salt
Syn: ↑toothbrush tree, ↑Salvadora persica
Hypernyms: ↑fruit tree
Member Holonyms: ↑Salvadora, ↑genus Salvadora

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mustard tree noun
A name given to a shrub Salvadora persica (family Salvadoraceae, prob related to Oleaceae) on the theory that it is the plant referred to in the New Testament, which others think is only black mustard which has grown tall, as it does in the Middle East
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Main Entry:mustard

Useful english dictionary. 2012.