
multiple voting
the act of voting in more than one place by the same person at the same election (illegal in U.S.)
United States, ↑United States of America, ↑America, ↑the States, ↑US, ↑U.S., ↑USA, ↑U.S.A.
Hypernyms: ↑vote, ↑ballot, ↑voting, ↑balloting

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1. : voting by the same individual at the same election in various places in each of which he possesses the legal qualifications
2. : unauthorized and illegal voting by one person in two or more constituencies (as voting by floaters)

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the casting of ballots in more than one constituency in one election, as in England before the election reform of 1918.

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multiple voting,
voting in more than one place at the same election. This was legally possible in Great Britain before 1918.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.