
wild ginger
Syn: ↑genus Asarum
Hypernyms: ↑dicot genus, ↑magnoliopsid genus
Member Holonyms: ↑Aristolochiaceae, ↑family Aristolochiaceae, ↑birthwort family
Member Meronyms: ↑wild ginger, ↑heartleaf, ↑heart-leaf, ↑Asarum shuttleworthii

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\\ˈasərəm\ noun
Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, hazelwort, from Greek asaron
1. capitalized : a genus of acaulescent herbs (family Aristolochiaceae) native to north-temperate regions and having pungent aromatic roots and dull-colored flowers — see wild ginger
2. -s : the dried rhizome and roots of wild ginger used as an aromatic bitters and flavoring agent

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/as"euhr euhm/, n. Chem.
the dried rhizome and roots of wild ginger that yield an acrid resin and a volatile, aromatic oil, used chiefly as a flavoring.
[ < L < Gk ásaron hazelwort, wild spikenard]

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asarum /asˈə-rəm/
The dried root of the wild ginger (Asarum canadense)
ORIGIN: L asarum (from Gr asaron) asarabacca
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asarabacca /as-ə-rə-bakˈə/ noun
(L bacca berry) a plant (Asarum europaeum), of the birthwort family, formerly used in medicine

Useful english dictionary. 2012.