
mealy bug
scalelike plant-eating insect coated with a powdery waxy secretion; destructive especially of fruit trees
Syn: ↑mealybug
Hypernyms: ↑coccid insect
citrophilous mealybug, ↑citrophilus mealybug, ↑Pseudococcus fragilis, ↑Comstock mealybug, ↑Comstock's mealybug, ↑Pseudococcus comstocki, ↑citrus mealybug, ↑Planococcus citri
Member Holonyms: ↑Pseudococcidae, ↑family Pseudococcidae

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mealy bug noun
A hothouse pest, a coccus insect with a white powdery appearance
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Main Entry:meal

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mealy bug, or meal|y|bug «MEE lee BUHG», noun.
a small, soft-bodied scale insect which covers itself with a whitish secretion. It causes considerable damage by sucking the juices of citrus trees and other plants. They comprise a family of insects.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.