
n. (pl. -ies)
1 (usu. foll. by of) the greater number or part.
Strictly used only with countable nouns, e.g. a majority of people, and not with mass nouns, e.g. a majority of the work.
2 Polit. a the number by which the votes cast for one party, candidate, etc. exceed those of the next in rank (won by a majority of 151). b a party etc. receiving the greater number of votes.
3 full legal age (attained his majority).
4 the rank of major.
Phrases and idioms:
the great majority
1 much the greater number.
2 euphem. the dead (has joined the great majority). in the majority esp. Polit. belonging to or constituting a majority party etc. majority rule the principle that the greater number should exercise greater power. majority verdict a verdict given by more than half of the jury, but not unanimous.
Etymology: F majoriteacute f. med.L majoritas -tatis (as MAJOR)

Useful english dictionary. 2012.