
magnolia family
subclass Magnoliidae: genera Liriodendron, Magnolia, and Manglietia
Syn: ↑Magnoliaceae, ↑family Magnoliaceae
Hypernyms: ↑magnoliid dicot family
Member Holonyms: ↑Ranales, ↑order Ranales, ↑Ranunculales, ↑order Ranunculales
Member Meronyms:
Illicium, ↑genus Illicium, ↑genus Magnolia, ↑manglietia, ↑genus Manglietia, ↑Liriodendron, ↑genus Liriodendron

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the plant family Magnoliaceae, characterized by evergreen or deciduous trees and shrubs having simple, alternate leaves, often showy flowers with a spiral arrangement of their floral parts, and conelike fruit, and including the cucumber tree, magnolia, tulip tree, and umbrella tree.

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magnolia family,
a group of dicotyledonous trees and shrubs, found in tropical and temperate regions of North America and Asia, and including the magnolia, tulip tree, and umbrella tree.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.