
arrive at
reach a destination, either real or abstract (Freq. 20)

We hit Detroit by noon


The water reached the doorstep


We barely made it to the finish line


I have to hit the MAC machine before the weekend starts

Syn: ↑reach, ↑make, ↑attain, ↑hit, ↑gain
Derivationally related forms: ↑attainment (for: ↑attain)
catch up, ↑scale, ↑surmount, ↑access, ↑get at, ↑bottom out, ↑top out, ↑peak, ↑summit, ↑breast, ↑top, ↑make, ↑find, ↑culminate, ↑get through, ↑come through, ↑ground, ↑run aground
Verb Group: ↑make
Entailment: ↑travel, ↑go, ↑move, ↑locomote
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s something


They arrive at the water

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ar ˈrive at [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they arrive at he/she/it arrives at present participle arriving at past tense arrived at past participle arrived at] phrasal verb
to reach a result, decision, or solution to a problem

How did they arrive at that figure?

The two studies arrive at very different conclusions.

Thesaurus: to make a decisionsynonym
Main entry: arrive

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arrive at [phrasal verb]
arrive at (something) : to make or reach (something, such as a decision) after a lot of thought or effort

She finally arrived at a decision.

They've arrived at the conclusion that the plan won't work.

I hope we can arrive at some sort of understanding/consensus.

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Main Entry:arrive

Useful english dictionary. 2012.