
n. & v.
1 a mechanism for fastening a door, lid, etc., with a bolt that requires a key of a particular shape, or a combination of movements (see combination lock), to work it.
2 a confined section of a canal or river where the level can be changed for raising and lowering boats between adjacent sections by the use of gates and sluices.
3 a the turning of the front wheels of a vehicle to change its direction of motion. b (in full full lock) the maximum extent of this.
4 an interlocked or jammed state.
5 Wrestling a hold that keeps an opponent's limb fixed.
6 (in full lock forward) Rugby Football a player in the second row of a scrum.
7 an appliance to keep a wheel from revolving or slewing.
8 a mechanism for exploding the charge of a gun.
9 = airlock 2.
1 a tr. fasten with a lock. b tr. (foll. by up) shut and secure (esp. a building) by locking. c intr. (of a door, window, box, etc.) have the means of being locked.
2 tr. (foll. by up, in, into) enclose (a person or thing) by locking or as if by locking.
3 tr. (often foll. by up, away) store or allocate inaccessibly (capital locked up in land).
4 tr. (foll. by in) hold fast (in sleep or enchantment etc.).
5 tr. (usu. in passive) (of land, hills, etc.) enclose.
6 tr. & intr. make or become rigidly fixed or immovable.
7 intr. & tr. become or cause to become jammed or caught.
8 tr. (often in passive; foll. by in) entangle in an embrace or struggle.
9 tr. provide (a canal etc.) with locks.
10 tr. (foll. by up, down) convey (a boat) through a lock.
11 intr. go through a lock on a canal etc.
Phrases and idioms:
lock-keeper a keeper of a lock on a river or canal. lock-knit knitted with an interlocking stitch. lock-nut Mech. a nut screwed down on another to keep it tight. lock on to locate or cause to locate by radar etc. and then track. lock out
1 keep (a person) out by locking the door.
2 (of an employer) submit (employees) to a lockout. lock step marching with each person as close as possible to the one in front. lock stitch a stitch made by a sewing-machine by firmly locking together two threads or stitches. lock, stock, and barrel n. the whole of a thing.
—adv. completely. under lock and key securely locked up.
lockable adj. lockless adj.
Etymology: OE loc f. Gmc
1 a a portion of hair that coils or hangs together. b (in pl.) the hair of the head.
2 a tuft of wool or cotton.
-locked adj. (in comb.).
Etymology: OE locc f. Gmc

Useful english dictionary. 2012.