
similar to the striped mullet and takes its place in the Caribbean region
Syn: ↑Mugil liza
Hypernyms: ↑mullet, ↑grey mullet, ↑gray mullet
Member Holonyms: ↑Mugil, ↑genus Mugil

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/luy"zeuh/, n.
a mullet, Mugil liza, found chiefly in the tropical Atlantic Ocean.
[1830-40, Amer.; < Sp]

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liza U.S.
[a. Sp. liza (applied to various species of mullet): see Valenciennes Hist. Nat. Poiss. (1836) XI. 36, 61–2.]
An American species of mullet; according to U.S. Dicts. Mugil curema, a different species from Mugil liza Val.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.