
linden family
chiefly trees and shrubs of tropical and temperate regions of especially southeastern Asia and Brazil; genera Tilia, Corchorus, Entelea, Grewia, Sparmannia
Syn: ↑Tiliaceae, ↑family Tiliaceae
Hypernyms: ↑dilleniid dicot family
Member Holonyms: ↑Malvales, ↑order Malvales
Member Meronyms:
Tilia, ↑genus Tilia, ↑Entelea, ↑genus Entelea, ↑Corchorus, ↑genus Corchorus, ↑Grewia, ↑genus Grewia, ↑Sparmannia, ↑genus Sparmannia

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: tiliaceae

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the plant family Tiliaceae, characterized by deciduous trees or shrubs having simple, usually alternate leaves, fibrous bark, fragrant flowers, and dry, woody fruit, and including the basswood, jute, and linden.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.