
limited company
a company that is organized to give its owners limited liability
Syn: ↑Ltd., ↑Ld.
Regions: ↑United Kingdom, ↑UK, ↑U.K., ↑Britain, ↑United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, ↑Great Britain
Hypernyms: ↑company

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noun or limited-liability company
Britain : a company in which the liability of each shareholder is limited to the par value of his stock or to an amount fixed by a guarantee

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a company in which the shareholders cannot be assessed for debts of the company beyond the sum they still have invested in the company. Also called limited-liability company /lim"i tid luy'euh bil"i tee/.

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limited company or limˈited-liabilˈity company noun
One whose owners have liability for its debts, etc only according to their financial stake in it
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Main Entry:limit

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limited company UK US noun [countable] [singular limited company plural limited companies] business
a company whose owners are legally responsible for only a limited amount of its debts
Thesaurus: general types of business or companyhypernym general words for business people and managershyponym

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limited company,
a company in which the liability of stockholders is limited to the amount of money they invested in the company.

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ˌlimited ˈcompany [limited company] (also ˌlimited liaˈbility company) noun
(in Britain) a company whose owners only have to pay a limited amount of its debts
see also Ltd

Useful english dictionary. 2012.