
lie in wait
wait in hiding to attack (Freq. 1)
Syn: ↑ambush, ↑scupper, ↑bushwhack, ↑waylay, ↑lurk, ↑ambuscade
Derivationally related forms: ↑ambuscade (for: ↑ambuscade), ↑lurker (for: ↑lurk), ↑bushwhacker (for: ↑bushwhack), ↑ambush (for: ↑ambush), ↑ambusher (for: ↑ambush)
Hypernyms: ↑wait
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s somebody

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lie in wait
To lie in ambush (often with for)
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Main Entry:lie
lie in wait
To be in hiding ready to attack or surprise (lit and figurative)
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Main Entry:wait

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conceal oneself, waiting to surprise, attack, or catch someone

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lie in wait — see wait, 2
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Main Entry:lie
lie in wait
: to hide and wait for the right moment to make an attack

The killer may have been lying in wait for him.

— sometimes used figuratively

No one knows what lies in wait for us in the coming year. [=no one knows what will happen to us in the coming year]

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Main Entry:wait

Useful english dictionary. 2012.