
kingdom Protoctista
in most modern classifications, replacement for the Protista; includes: Protozoa; Euglenophyta; Chlorophyta; Cryptophyta; Heterokontophyta; Rhodophyta; unicellular protists and their descendant multicellular organisms: regarded as distinct from plants and animals
Syn: ↑Protoctista
Hypernyms: ↑kingdom
Member Meronyms:
protoctist order, ↑protoctist, ↑Protista, ↑division Protista, ↑protoctist family, ↑protoctist genus, ↑Protozoa, ↑phylum Protozoa, ↑Heterokontophyta, ↑division Heterokontophyta, ↑Chrysophyta, ↑division Chrysophyta, ↑Euglenophyta, ↑division Euglenophyta, ↑Chlorophyta, ↑division Chlorophyta, ↑Rhodophyta, ↑division Rhodophyta, ↑Cryptophyta, ↑phylum Cryptophyta

Useful english dictionary. 2012.