
Kingdom of The Netherlands
a constitutional monarchy in western Europe on the North Sea; half the country lies below sea level
Syn: ↑Netherlands, ↑The Netherlands, ↑Nederland, ↑Holland
Derivationally related forms: ↑Hollander (for: ↑Holland)
Instance Hypernyms: ↑European country, ↑European nation
Member Holonyms:
Benelux, ↑European Union, ↑EU, ↑European Community, ↑EC, ↑European Economic Community, ↑EEC, ↑Common Market, ↑Europe, ↑North Atlantic Treaty Organization, ↑NATO
Part Holonyms: ↑Europe
Member Meronyms: ↑Netherlander, ↑Dutchman, ↑Hollander
Part Meronyms:
Amsterdam, ↑Dutch capital, ↑capital of The Netherlands, ↑Apeldoorn, ↑Arnhem, ↑The Hague, ↑'s Gravenhage, ↑Den Haag, ↑Eindhoven, ↑Nijmegen, ↑Rotterdam, ↑Leiden, ↑Leyden, ↑Utrecht, ↑Friesland, ↑Frisian Islands, ↑Hook of Holland, ↑Hoek van Holland, ↑IJssel, ↑IJssel river, ↑IJsselmeer, ↑Meuse, ↑Meuse River, ↑Rhine, ↑Rhine River, ↑Rhein

Useful english dictionary. 2012.