
Kentucky coffee tree
handsome tree of central and eastern North America having large bipinnate leaves and green-white flowers followed by large woody brown pods whose seeds are used as a coffee substitute
Syn: ↑bonduc, ↑chicot, ↑Gymnocladus dioica
Hypernyms: ↑tree
Member Holonyms: ↑Gymnocladus, ↑genus Gymnocladus

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Usage: usually capitalized K
: a tall No. American tree (Gymnocladus dioica) of the family Leguminosae with bipinnate leaves and large woody brown pods whose seeds have been used as a substitute for coffee — called also bonduc

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a tall North American tree, Gymnocladus dioica, of the legume family, the seeds of which (Kentucky coffee beans) were formerly used as a substitute for coffee beans.

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Kentucky coffee tree,
a tall tree of the pea family, found in the Northeastern United States.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.