
1. United States circus clown (1898-1979)
Syn: ↑Emmett Kelly, ↑Weary Willie
Instance Hypernyms: ↑clown, ↑buffoon, ↑goof, ↑goofball, ↑merry andrew
2. United States dancer who performed in many musical films (1912-1996)
Syn: ↑Gene Kelly, ↑Eugene Curran Kelly
Instance Hypernyms:
dancer, ↑professional dancer, ↑terpsichorean, ↑choreographer, ↑actor, ↑histrion, ↑player, ↑thespian, ↑role player
3. United States film actress who retired when she married into the royal family of Monaco (1928-1982)
Syn: ↑Grace Kelly, ↑Grace Patricia Kelly, ↑Princess Grace of Monaco
Instance Hypernyms: ↑actress

Useful english dictionary. 2012.