
Karl Marx
founder of modern communism; wrote the Communist Manifesto with Engels in 1848; wrote Das Kapital in 1867 (1818-1883)
Syn: ↑Marx
Instance Hypernyms:
philosopher, ↑economist, ↑economic expert, ↑revolutionist, ↑revolutionary, ↑subversive, ↑subverter

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Karl Marx [Karl Marx]
(1818–83) a German writer on politics and ↑economics. In 1848 he wrote the Communist Manifesto with Friedrich Engels (1820–95), and in the following year he came to live in London, England. He spent much of the rest of his life developing his theories, and published the results in Das Kapital (1867–95), the major work of Marxist ↑economics. His theories about the need for a workers’ ↑socialist revolution had a very great influence on 20th-century history, especially in Russia, China and eastern Europe. Marx died in London and was buried in ↑Highgate Cemetery.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.